Today, mostly picture to share some scenery we saw while driving at Great Ocean Road :)
Look at the cloud. Looks low and thick. However, still quite a few people surfing. It maybe is the starting of surfing season. The wave is getting higher.

Saw a few surfing car rental along the road. If a car is parked at the roadside but no one is there, probably he is enjoying surfing :) Less cloud now, and blue ocean.

If you are driving slower than the car behind you, you may use the turnout as in picture above, to allow vehicle behind to take over safely.
Almost no cloud now :)

Watch out for kangaroo or wild life crossing road. A moving kangaroo will hit your car badly. Oh yes, the driving speed limit is 100km/h most of the time, unless specified :)

Besides beach and sea, there are fields and valleys too.

Sheep thinking "Oh, look at who is taking picture?"

It started to rain. A small nice garden at Laver's Hill.

Guess what is in the picture below? Ant? What?

It's the cow, walking home in a queue :) Go go go, it's raining.