In the early morning, it was good to see the uncle sun. We head to
Queen Victoria Market.

First of all, breakfast. although uncle sun is here, but the weather is still cold. I am still looking for hot breakfast, at least not sandwich nor burger. Oh we chosen Indian food.

Surprisingly, I feel the food is good. The basmathi rice, lassie, nice dish. It cost AUD 10.90.

The market is very big. It has few section. Fruit and vegetables, meat, souvenirs, clothes and etc.

Can I bring an air plant to the air plane? If I can, I would have buy one :)

It is almost lunch time after finish visit Queen Victoria Market. It was with some showering rain sometimes, and a little wind. NC can't stand the coldness and she bought a leggings. While choosing the leggings, the chinese shopkeeper told us it was 5 deg C only. It is usually strange to have such low degree in mid October. Well, weather around the world is unpredictable now. Unexpected flood, drought, earth quake and ... hopefully no more. My dearest reader, please exercise 3R, Reduce, Reuse and Recycle, help our planet, help ourselves.
Fortunately uncle sun came out to say Hi when we walked to Lygon St for lunch.

No, I didn't take Malaysia food.
Brunetti I am coming!