Tuesday, June 2, 2009

2009-06-02 How heavy is a laptop?

Look at my T-shirt picture below, there is an area where obviously the T-shirt fabric is very thin, and guess what caused it.

One, two, three, here is the answer: It's my current HP Compaq 8510p laptop!

I need to walk a lot with laptop on my back since I reached Beijing. I brought very few shirts and I wear this shirt probably 2 times a week. After 3 weeks, the area with laptop strap become so thin! If I continue to wear it as it used to be, probably it will become a unique spaghetti shirt with sleeve is still on and hole is at the back :D

If you ever hear me complaining that my shoulder is very tired sometimes, now you understand why :)

SN, if you are reading this and if you can recognize it, this is the Banana Republic T-shirt that you gave me from your US trip about 2.5 years ago! I like it but I can't help it turned into this spaghetti-like shirt today *sob sob*


  1. I think you need to change the laptop bag. Or wear a thicker shirt or wear shirt with shoulder pads =)

  2. My goodness!! Should u consider carry ur laptop with a trolley bag?? I worried u will really get shoulder pain after 3months!

  3. It's summer here and pretty hot. The laptop's bag strap is thick though. Maybe I will try to look for shoulder pads :)
    Hard to use trolley bag, as the road surface is usually not even...

  4. change light weight laptop
