Friday, January 29, 2010

Bring happiness home 帶快樂回家

Get this forwarded email, found it interesting :)

I visit a friend at his house. On the main entrance, there is a little board saying "Before entering, take off the worries, bring happiness home"

After I got into the house, the family members there really were happy. The environment is so peace and warm. I asked about the board. The hostess told me the story. On one day when she went home, she saw her tiring and anxious face in the lift mirror. She was shocked. She asked herself what will be her husband and children reaction if they ever see this face. She also asked herself how would she react if she see similar face of others. Then she thought about the children and husband silence during dinner...On the next day, she make the board and hang it on the door to remind herself.

Apparently, the board remind not only her but the whole family. Ever since then, the family relationship has improved and more happy.

What a cute lady.

There is always just a tiny cross line between good vs bad, lucky vs unlucky, happy vs worry. It is all about the thought, if we change our mind, the world will be different.

If we change our mindset, the altitude will changed, then the habit will changed, lastly our life will be changed.

到一個朋友家去做客,出了電梯, 見門口赫然掛了一塊小木牌, 上書:「進門前,請脫去煩惱;回家時,帶快樂回來。」 進屋後,果見男女主人一團和氣,兩個孩子大方有禮,溫馨、和諧充盈著整個屋子。 我自然詢問起那塊木牌,女主人笑著望向男主人:「你說。」 男主人則溫柔地瞅向女主人:「還是你說,因為這是你的創意。」

最終,女主人輕緩地說開了:「有一回我回家,在電梯的鏡子, 看到一張睏倦、 灰暗的臉,一雙緊擰的眉毛,煩惱的眼睛…… 把我自己嚇了一大跳。 於是,我想, 當孩子、丈夫面對這樣愁苦陰沈的面孔時,會有什麼感覺?



天下的好與壞, 幸與不幸,快樂與痛苦,常常是一體的兩面。
改命改運不如改個性,個性一改 ~ 福氣自然來。


  1. “一體兩面”,突然让我想起了一句话:祸兮,福所依。

  2. 哗,好深,福所依何解?
