Clog is not new for Chinese. Oh I could be wrong. Nowadays, clog could be new to younger generation and those who grew up in city. Until my secondary school, my family wear clog in kitchen. Why is the clog with word on it? Hold on, those in picture above are mini-clog which usually use for souvenir and deco, not for wear :)
Thanks to
SP for arranging the session to know more on the making of clog souvenir from Ai Tee aunty. When I am writing this blog, I just realize I do not know Ai Tee aunty's name, I just called her aunty as there is only she and her husband there :p Ai Tee aunty husband (uncle Leong)'s profession is to make wooden plaque. I will write more about the wooden plaque in next post :D
Aunty Ai Tee always help uncle Leong in his work. One day, uncle Leong encourage aunty Ai Tee to create something on her own, the clog souvenir. On her free time, she will made some of it, keep it, then sell it at the temporary store during Penang 庙会 event during Chinese New Year :)
Whoa, enough words, let's have a quick tour on the clog and making.
These are aunty Ai Tee's clog stock :D

The clog with wedding picture is getting more and more popular. To aunty Ai Tee, some chinese like to buy clog when they get married. For the reason behind, probably old people will know better. According to aunty Ai Tee, the clog has some symbolic meaning to help you in your daily life, to avoid from 小人。一双小木屐,一生好运气.

1. Get a piece of wood.
2 & 3. Cut into clog shape.
4. Cut the flat clog into real shape. See self explanatory photos below :)
Aunty Ai Tee made a lot of clog base when she has free time. She can saw 200-300 clog base in a day.

During the 庙会 event, aunty Ai Tee usually spare a lot of empty clog, for customer to customize the word they wish to put on. Very colorful right?

We bought some empty clog, then uncle Leong helped us to craft the word on it.

Lastly, if you have not see people wear clog, here is aunty Ai Tee's feet wearing clog :)

Where to go for clog souvenir?
Persatuan Hok San Utara Malaya.
Address: 30-C, Jalan Siam, 10400 Georgetown, Penang, Malaysia.
Aunty Ai Tee contact number: 012-4838853.
Visit them online:

If you have not known, it is pretty hard to get parking here. Sometimes you may need to park at next street and walked here.