The prawn need to be cooked. Some allow coloring agent will be added. Watch out for the color when you buy it in the market, the more colorful it is, the more coloring agent it has, the worst it is. Then it will be dried under the sun.
To automate the process in collecting the prawn, the owner invented a motorbike below to help. Uncle said this is a very innovative idea, and it saved a lot of time and human effort. It has gone through few iteration before become the motorbike today. Yah, it's the same for all product, requires few iteration to become better. He said there were few engineers in one of the trip, and had a long discussion on the motorbike collector. Oh well, we didn't tell him some of us are engineer too, but obviously we didn't discuss further on this motorbike :p
Some of the 鱼漂 fish stomach. After fried, it will be ready to for culinary.
Some worker are filtering the dried prawn.
Another worker package the dried prawn.
300g is sold at RM 10 per pack, 500g is sold at RM 16.50 per pack. The 300g packet is as below. KC said it is very good buy, we can never get such cheap price with that quality (quite big prawn size) in Penang market.
The owner cooked some Teow Chew dish 'duan qiang'. Fried mixture of yam, turnips and other. I think it is a bit similar to fried turnips at Ipoh 大树脚 Yong Tau Foo.
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