On our way to Botanical Garden, I saw this, hehe fully utilize transportation system, common in Bali.
If you read my blog 2009-08-20 (3) Sukawati, the plantation is usually focus. Thus the lorry usually carry only one kind of product.
A scene taken on our way. The resort below was just built, but due to some reason the owner was involved in some court cases, and the resort is not in business yet. It must be very relaxing with fresh air if stay in this resort, give our soul a break :)
The botanical garden map:
To enter, IDR 12K per car, IDR 28K for 4 person entrance fee, in total IDR 40K, around RM 14.
Welcome to Bali Botanical Garden (Kebun Raya).
Can't remember this is Patung Rahwana Jatayu (Item 3 in the map) or Patung Kumbakarna Laga (Item 4 in the map). The garden is huge, if you plan to walk, it will probably take a day. We use car to make a tour in the garden :p
Near Item 13 in the map, we can see Lake Buyan as below:
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