Wednesday, October 31, 2012

My first experience with MacBook Pro

In Cantonese say, when something doesn't work well for you, your birth date probably doesn't 'match' with that something. That's what my friend said is happening to my new MacBook Pro and me. 

Well, when I first got it, downloading and installing Google Chrome took me few hours and the process was very frustrated. The root cause was the downloaded file was corrupted although it said download completes. Oh well, maybe it is Google Chrome birth date doesn't match with MacBook Pro or Apple, I hope. But after using the machine for few days, on one day the Text Edit hang. I pressed the Spotlight shortcut key few times and it also was hang. Out of a sudden, display color was inverted. I have to go to preferences > Accessibility to check Invert Color in order to view RGB color. The painful part is that the pixel is out. The screen display was very blurry. Called to Apple Care helps to make the display slightly better, but... it is still painful looking at blurry screen and text!

I am now backing up data at Switch center, to send the MacBook for repair. It may took 2-3 days to diagnose the problem, another 3 or 5 or 7 days to fix the problem. Sounds a bit long right? Another 4 min for the data to be backed up. Bye. Finger crossed and hopefully the MacBook after repair has a new birth date that we can live happily ever after haha.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Look back 千金难买一回头

- 出门前,回头看看,可能发觉忘了关风扇电灯,而可以节省能源。
- 偶尔走在街上,回头一顾,那人原来在灯火阑珊处(写这样的句子好像有点被阿保的style影响,哈哈,一零,是不是啊。)。
- 当你在向前冲时,回头一看,原来家人一直在后面守候及支持你。
- 当你向钱冲时,转一转头颅,良心有没有跟上来呢?
- 当你向前望,回头一顾百媚生,脸上的笑容如春风吹过,或许让某些意志消沉的甲乙丙丁感到一丝丝温暖。



Sunday, October 14, 2012

Double arc rainbow

Double arc rainbow photo taken few months ago. Have a happy and lucky day :) (Rainbow bring luck some people said)

Thursday, October 11, 2012


马来西亚世界宣明会 爱蔓延-让世界更美好 在2012年10月20日举办一个义走。
如果你赞成儿童是未来的主人翁;如果你希望做慈善;如果你想运动以下筋骨;如果你想有一个快乐的群体义走;又或者什么理由也不需要;10月20日如果你没有节目,参加这个有意义的义走吧,你有能力改变一些:) 也希望你可以广邀家人朋友一起义走。手牵手,(没有手牵手也可以的啦 :) )


1)报名爱蔓延义走 (截止日期: 2012年10月17日)
2)捐款支持 (自行缴交报名费RM30,或支持朋友义走,受惠单位:世界宣明会儿童发展基金)
3)筹款点子 (参加义走者,您可以用这个点子向亲朋戚友募款!)

(别错过10月19至20日假Gurney Plaza进行的巨型相展和摄影赛,欢迎男女老幼到场支持) 想要了解更多?请拨 (03) 7880 6414, 或电邮, 或浏览

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

World Vision Walk-a-thon in Penang on Oct 20, 2012

World Vision Malaysia is organizing a Walk-a-thon in conjunction with Hands Up for Children Campaign.
If you agree that children is the future of the world. If you wish to do some charity. If you wish to do some exercise. If you wish to join the fun. Or, for no reason at all, if you are available on that day, I encourage you to register and join them. Feel free to share this with your family and friends :)
More details are as below.

1) To Register: (closing: 17 October 2012)
2) To Donate: (minimum RM30 to participate or support a friend, beneficiary: World Vision Children Development Fund)
3) To Fundraise: (Participants, check out how to get your friends to support you!)
4) Be There! Don't miss our Giant photo exhibition and photo contest at Gurney Plaza, 19 - 20 October 2012

For more info, contact us at 03-7880 6414, or email, or visit our website

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

If you're happy and you know it (clap your hands)

Did you watch badminton game sometimes? If you did, you probably aware that Lin Dan do have a certain action after he won a point. That could be one of the NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) that we will do certain things or action, subconsciously, under certain conditions.

Long story short, I figured when I am happy, I like to tap. For example when the car is stopped waiting for traffic light to turn green, if I am happy I will tap on the steering while listening to music. Or sometimes tap on one's shoulder or back. I realized the tap was influenced by this happy song. Well I cannot clap all the while, so tap instead. Have you figured your NLP? ;)

Have a happy day :D

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Inspiring mother and kid conversations, "Sometimes we can't always get what we want in life."

In one of the cable car ride from Genting Highland, I was with a foreigner couple with a kid looks around 4 years old. The mother explained to the kid about the tropical forest, and how is it different from their motherland's. 

The mother then passed a yellow colour water bottle to the kid. The kid declined and insisted on a green colour. The mother patiently tell, "Sometimes we can't always get what we want in life, we just have to accept what we've got." The kid asked why. The mother just repeat the same sentence as answer, patiently. The kid accepted the answer and happily take the yellow colour bottle. I found it inspiring, sometimes we can't always get what we want in life, we just have to accept, love and appreciate what we've got. If I was the kid and it was my mom, I think the answer I will get is just "Don't ask." lol. 

Later the mother asked the kid, "xx, where is Jesus?". (Nah I am not a Christian but I think this is meaningful to share). 
Kid: Mmm, I don't know.
Mother: Remember, when we were in Africa, Jesus is up there in the sky.
Kid: Yeah.
Mother: Now Jesus is up there in the sky too, watching us.
Mother: And Jesus in deep inside here in our heart too. Jesus is everywhere.
Mother: So can you tell me where is Jesus?
Kid: Jesus is up there in the sky (He pointed to the sky), and also here (The kid placed his palm near his heart).

The mother continued to tell the kid more about life, but I can't recall the contents.

I do not know if the kid really understand it but I think the mother did a very good job. As long as a religion lead a person to be kind, humble, and other good moral values, it is a good belief. A religion is far beyond the statues and statutes. 

The conversations stopped here because we'd reached the base station. However, the inspiring dialogue stayed in my mind till today. 

In one of the volunteer session at autism center, a clever autistic kid insisted to get a green color tambourine. He cried and yelled to die for one. The mother just let him cried and yelled. The noise affected other kid then I went to get one for him. He stopped making noise and happily follow the musical session. One of the mother later told me I should have not did that. Sometimes we need to be assertive for the autistic kid to learn "Sometimes we can't always get what we want in life, we just have to accept what we've got." This will avoid a kid to be spoil. I think the same applies to all kid. I tried and it works. Education starts when one was born and cease on the last day in life. 活到老,学到老!

Happy learning everyday!

Friday, October 5, 2012

When the sun meets the moon

Can you see the moon in the middle? It was 8am and the moon few days after mid-autumn festival was having a vacation during daytime.
Have a good day :)

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Customer relationship management

How important is customer relationship management? WWF Malaysia has been doing that since I joined. World Vision Malaysia has started to do that as I can see. Even charity body is doing that, needless to say commercial business. If you are a business owner, give it some thoughts. Keep a record  of your customer's birthday and send them greeting email/sms on that day or in prior. Do the same during festive seasons as well. I heard there is software program in the market which can ease the job, although I am not sure about the price.