Seafood fried la-mian 海鲜炒拉面 RM 8.90- My friend said the taste is normal.

Tom yam seafood noodle 东炎海鲜面 RM 9.90 - My friend like the taste.

Crispy roasted pork noodle 明炉烧肉云吞面 RM 5.90 - The roasted pork is nice, but I don't like the wan tan noodle.
A friend ordered the Fragrant barbecue pork rice 明炉秘制叉烧饭 RM 5.90, the barbecue pork is quite nice. Another friend ordered Oriental fried rice 扬州炒饭 RM 5.90, typical he said.
Those who ordered noodle felt no full after the meal, and need to look for other side dish to fill the stomach :) I had the same feeling after finish the wantan noodle also, or my appetite increase since I decided to gain weight? :p
The address:
D'Piazza Mall,
No 27, Jalan Mahsuri,
11900 Bayan Baru,
Email: demax_restaurant@hotmail.com
hey guys!
last two day i go Demax restaurant the food menu change already and i ask the waiter and they told me the management already change all is new chef.
the food is really good compare to before.
i like it.
hey guys let's go to try by yourself...:)
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