Sunday, September 13, 2009

A nice 're-sing' song by Karen Mok 外面的世界

In Cantonese, there is a term called 'Saliva song' 口水歌, meaning one re-sing other singer's published song. In most of the cases, the old version is still better, most probably because it gain's listener first impression.

However, there is an un-ordinary case. Recently Karen Mok re-sing a song by Qi Qing called 外面的世界. I would say both versions are good, and this is another success story by Karen.

You may listen Karen's version from here

Unfortunately I can't find Karen's version in youtube, but a duet version of her with Qi Qing.

The lyrics
在很久很久以前 你拥有我 我拥有你
在很久很久以前 你离开我 去远空翱翔
外面的世界很精彩 外面的世界很无奈
当你觉得外面的世界很精彩 我会在这里衷心的祝福你
每当夕阳西沉的时候 我总是在这里盼望你
天空中虽然飘着雨 我依然等待你的归期

在很久很久以前 你拥有我 我拥有你
在很久很久以前 你离开我 去远空翱翔
外面的世界很精彩 外面的世界很无奈
当你觉得外面的世界很无奈 我还在这里耐心的等着你
每当夕阳西沉的时候 我总是在这里盼望你
天空中虽然飘着雨 我依然等待你的归期

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